1 - If you are interested in enrolling your student(s) at Timpanogos Academy, please begin the process by Clicking here to access the Online Enrollment Form to register your student for our annual lottery.
2 - NOTE: This lottery application is for the NEXT school year (2025-26), any and all applications will be accepted until the deadline of 11:59pm on January 31st. 2025, and then the lottery will be pulled in February of 2025.
3 - If you are interested in enrollment for this current school year, (2024-25) please use this same lottery application. (The application will ask if you are interested in enrolling this year, and if you answer "yes" then you will be contacted if and when we have openings this year).
4 - Below are all of the specifics of our Enrollment Policies:
In accordance with State and Federal requirements, Timpanogos Academy does not discriminate based on race, creed, color, religion, gender, national origin, or ability/disability status. Student enrollment preference follows this criteria:
First Preference: children and grandchildren of the school's founders and those who have served the school as Significant Stakeholders.
Second Preference: siblings of currently enrolled students
Third Preference: other students within Utah according to spaces available
How Do I Enroll?
Applications are accepted for the lottery from the first school day of October in each school year through 11:59pm on January 31st of each school year.
To enroll in this year's lottery, click on the link below and fill out our On-Line form for the 2025-2026 school year:
When you fill out the on-line form and click on the "Submit" button, your application will be submitted to the school and your student will be enrolled in the 2025-2026 lottery that will be held in February of 2025.
Applications submitted after the enrollment deadline will NOT be added to the lottery. However, they will be added to the bottom of the wait list in the order they are received.
Enrollment Procedure
1. All students currently enrolled will be automatically re-enrolled for the next school year unless their family chooses not to re-register their student(s). (Note: If your family decides that a student will not be returning to Timpanogos Academy, please let us know as soon as possible, so we will know how many spaces will be open in each grade as early as possible.)
2. All current wait-listed siblings, if any, do NOT need to reapply for the next school year. They will maintain their place on the wait list in the order that they were added to the sibling priority list. Siblings are added to the wait list in the same order that their enrolled sibling was accepted into the school.
3. The Guardians of all wait-listed non-sibling students currently on the 2024-2025 wait list will receive a letter in January of 2024 asking if they want to be included in the 2025-2026 lottery. If they respond, they will automatically be re-entered into the next school year lottery. They will maintain their place on the 2024-2025 wait list until the Lottery results for 2025-2026 are published. After those results are published, the wait list will be reordered in accordance with that lottery outcome.
4. Children whose new applications are received during the open enrollment period will be lotteried along with current wait-listed students. The outcome of that lottery will establish their acceptance or wait-listed position for the 2025-2026 school year.
5. Any children whose new applications are received after the lottery enrollment period has closed will not be entered into the lottery, but will be added to the bottom of the 2025-2026 wait list for his or her grade AFTER all lotteried students. He or she will maintain that position until the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
6. Parents of accepted students have 48 hours from the date of notification of acceptance to decide if they will enroll their student in the school. Students who do not accept their position within 48 hours will be removed from their place and moved to the bottom of the wait list, and the next wait-listed student will be accepted instead.
7. Timpanogos Academy cannot create wait lists for classes beyond the current/upcoming school year because the lottery system used to determine which new students will be offered spaces is reset every year. In other words, new wait lists are created each year, via the lottery process. Therefore, adding a very young child in advance to the school's wait list provides no advantage. Acceptance to Timpanogos Academy is offered to wait-listed children only through the lottery for that specific school year.
8. IMPORTANT: In accordance with Utah State Law, children must turn (5) five before September 1st in order to enroll in Kindergarten. Applications received for children who do not turn five before September 1st will be discarded.
9. Students may apply to as many schools as they wish. However, according to Utah State Law, they may only enroll in one school. If your child is offered enrollment at more than one charter or regular public school, you must choose only one school in which to register him or her. You may, however, be enrolled in one school and maintain wait-list status in another. The USOE compares enrollment lists for all charter schools in the state. Timpanogos Academy cooperates with the Alpine School District to ensure that students are not dual-enrolled.
10. IMPORTANT: New incoming students will only be accepted and enrolled in their "age appropriate grade"; i.e. the grade following an incoming students current grade at their current schools; and/or Kindergarten if they are entering their first year of school. In other words, we will not enroll a student in a grade that is advanced beyond their age appropriate grade.​
As determined by Utah State Law, Timpanogos Academy is required to have immunization records or a waiver from the Health Department for each enrolled child. Exemptions are available to parents for medical, religious, or personal convictions. If your child has not been immunized according to the Utah schedule, obtain an exemption form from the County Health Department at 589 South State Street in Provo. Bring the signed white copy, with the pink form documenting which immunizations your child has received, to Timpanogos Academy at the time of registration.
Previous Elementary Schools
The names of children who have completed registration for Timpanogos Academy have been released to the Alpine School District office. The district office notifies each school of the number of students not returning the following year. Principals will know how many students to plan for, but the identity of individual students is not released.
For more information, contact Timpanogos Academy at 801-785-4979, or email Frank Anderson at fanderson@timpacademy.org