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Welcome to
Mrs. Wardle's 6th Grade Site
801-785-4979 ext 21
I am available from 3:15 - 3:30 each school day.
Welcome to my new website! I hope you will use this site as a resource for your student's success.
What is the uniform policy?Uniforms are required for all students attending Timpanogos Academy. Wearing school uniforms provides a positive and creative way to reduce discipline problems and increase school safety. First Step: View or print the School Uniform Policy & Guidelines by clicking here Example of Blackwatch Plaid and Logo Approved Suppliers There are three (3) uniform suppliers who are approved to produce the Timpanogos Academy logo items for our school: Dennis Uniform (located in Salt Lake City) Lands End (On-line purchase only) True Value (located in Taylorsville) Dennis Uniform: 3560 S. Main Salt Lake City, UT 84115 801.287.9200 Telephone Orders: 800.854.6951 Timp Academy School Code: RTA Lands End: Available for on-line Purchase only Timp Academy School Code: 900130477 website: here for PDF of how to order from Lands End True Value: 4860 S Redwood Rd, Taylorsville, UT 84123 (801) 964-1600 Timp Academy School Code: TACS website: Uniform Purchase Assistance and Donations Timpanogos Academy will supply free uniforms to families meeting the income guidelines for the Federal Free Lunch Program. If you believe you may qualify, please print off and fill out the 2 forms below and bring them to the front desk of the West school building. You will be notified of the eligibility determination and given vouchers for uniforms if you qualify. Form 1: Declaration of Household Income Form 2: Application for free uniform
What do I need to know about dropping off or picking up my child?Don't feel overwhelmed...we've all been there. It may seem chaotic at first, but there are plenty of teachers helping to direct the flow of traffic before and after school. Please be courteous to those directing traffic and the other parents. Safety is paramount! Let's keep our kids, teachers and parents safe. Here are PDFs of Timpanogos Academy's policies for: Drop-off ---AND--- Pickup
What is the PTO?The PTO stands for the Parent Teacher Organization. It is run by the parents of the school and receives no external funding; this ensures that we are not influenced by political agendas or any other ideals inconsistent with our vision here at Timpanogos Academy. Parents volunteer their time, talents and expertise in many areas of the school to help teachers, the children and even raise funds for all the activities throughout the year. Sign up to volunteer and get involved! There's always somewhere you can help in our school. We can help you find opportunities to volunteer that meet your busy schedule and your level of comfort.
Am I required to volunteer 40 hours per school year?No, volunteer hours are not required! Volunteering is strictly optional...however, families are encouraged to volunteer and we we love it when our parents are involved. We would hope that you would consider giving up to 40 hours of your time...(per family, not per child!)...and take ownership of your experience and the experience of your child here at Timp Academy. Contact the PTO or your student's teacher(s) to see where you can make the most impact for your school.
Who is the PTO President and how do I get in contact?Great question! Your PTO President for the 2019-2020 school year is: JoAnna Larsen EMAIL | She's great and can help you feel welcome and get you involved in as many ways as you want. Reach out today and say hello!
What are PTO Dues? Do I need to pay them?We're glad you asked! PTO Dues are paid to the PTO and helps raise funds for so many things. That money is used to directly benefit your children and your teachers. The money pays for all the educational activities throughout the year, helps fund new equipment for the playgrounds, can go towards upgrading items in the teacher lounge, helps fund unbudgeted classroom needs, can work to supplement school budgets on special projects, and also pays for all the fun we have planned for the kids. Those activities are essential for the kids, not only for a well-rounded education, but for social and psychological development as well. It's a key aspect to maximizing our vision at Timpanogos Academy. Do you need to pay them? We'll leave that up to you to determine, but we SUPER appreciate those parents who do! You can go here to pay your yearly dues. Thanks!
What in the world is this Pizza Day I keep hearing about?Don't fight it, embrace it! You are responsible to send your child with a lunch everyday...except Thursday, which is Pizza Day. We have a long-standing partnership with Pizza Pie Cafe. You can place your order online or just send your child with a few dollars. This money goes to the PTO (you can read more about what the PTO does with that money on the question above regarding PTO Dues). Trust me, after preparing lunches all week, the few dollars spent for Pizza Day is a treat to yourself as a parent! Also, if you volunteer to help with pizza day or any other lunch day, you are entered in to win a $50 gift card!! How cool is that?
What is the school Carnival and what are they selling outside at the beginning of the school year?The Carnival is a long-standing tradition at Timpanogos Academy. We usually have a variety of awesome bounce-houses, carnival games, an auction, food trucks and tons of fun for the whole family. It is also our largest fundraiser for the PTO. You can read more about what the PTO does with that money under the question regarding PTO Dues. You will likely see volunteers standing outside the school selling Carnival tickets and collecting PTO Dues within the first few weeks of school starting. The Carnival is usually in September. Volunteer today to help out! It's a great way to contribute to the school, meet new people, reach your expected volunteer hours and join in on the fun! Also, when you register to help with the Carnival on the Volunteer page, you receive 1 FREE Unlimited Wristband for your child to use at the carnival. You can read about it there. So don't be shy...go introduce yourself, get your Carnival tickets, and maybe even volunteer; they will surely be grateful for help. They need you! Best way to kick-off the school year ever!
In what way are charter schools a benefit to the community?Charter schools can relieve some of the overcrowding in existing public schools. Class sizes can shrink in regular public schools as well as providing smaller class sizes in the Charter School itself without placing undue burdens on taxpayers. ​ Charter schools often better meet the needs of students because they are smaller schools. They are governed by a board of parents, business leaders, and educators who can be more responsive to individual needs due to the smaller number of students and parents involved. Research amply demonstrates that optimal school size is between 200 and 400 students, and charter schools are much more likely than neighborhood schools to fall into this ideal range.
What are the most common reasons charter schools are started?The biggest reason charter schools are started is because parents want an alternative to their child's current education or to meet a specific need. The second most frequent reason is to allow for more parent involvement in their child's education. The last reason is to gain more autonomy, both for parents and teachers. Because of streamlined, community-based operations, charter schools are able to educate students well in spite of receiving far less funding per pupil than neighborhood schools.
How can charter schools help taxpayers?Charter schools function differently from public schools. In order to have a new public school, a bond election must be held to raise money for a new building. To start a new charter school, founders must find a suitable existing structure that can be modified to the school's needs. No new taxes are needed to do this. Often charter schools will exist in storefronts of other unrented facilities, allowing for a rejuvenation of business in that area.
How are charter schools funded in Utah?Charter schools are funded by the taxpayers. For this reason, charter schools are public schools. But charter schools receive only 75% of the PPR (Per Pupil Revenue) that is given to public schools. Regular public schools are funded at 100% PPR. ​ Charter schools are also able to offset the costs of operations through fundraising (like your school PTO carnival) and grant applications.
What if charter schools fail to provide what they promise?A charter school is allowed three years to produce what it promised in its charter. If it fails to live up to the charter, the State School Board has the power to shut it down. To date, the failure rate of charter schools is very low. Only 4% of all charter schools nationwide closed their doors in the past 9 years. ​ In addition to standardized tests, most charter schools (70%) use five or more assessments to measure school progress. These reports include parent surveys, demonstrations of student work, and student surveys.
Is it true that charter schools don't provide the same academic opportunities as public schools?No! Often, charter schools provide more educational opportunities. For example, charter schools offer 10 per student as compared to 8.9 per student in public schools, according to national studies. More charter schools offer foreign languages to students, especially in elementary grades, than do public schools.
If Utah allows more charter schools, won't they replace our public school system?"No. Even in states that allow for unlimited charters to be granted like Arizona, charter schools make up only 4% of all public schools, and in colorado they only make up 2% of all public schools.
How can my child attend a charter school?If you are on the committee to start a charter school, then your child is guaranteed a space. The children of the committee can make up no more than 20% of the school's population. All others are admitted on a first come, first served basis until the school reaches capacity. If a waiting list is formed, students are granted a space on a lottery basis. ENROLL TODAY!
Can any child attend a charter school?Yes! Charter schools may not discriminate. Children cannot be refused on the basis of color, race, religion, or disabilities.
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