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Keeping Children Safe

Dear Parents,

A little over a week has passed and for the most part it has gone pretty smooth. I appreciate the patience and help while we get students used to the new routines of school classrooms, lunchtime, recess, drop-off, pick-up etc.

If you are new to our school, welcome! I hope your time here will be rewarding for your children as well as your entire family.

In this email I will focus on safety, uniforms, and a few other items. Thank you for taking the time to read and stay informed.

Safety – Remember that impatience impairs our abilities and does not improve driving skills and reaction time. It also sends the wrong message to our children about how to approach difficult situations in a productive manner. Our goal is to make sure everyone is as safe as possible. Please realize that picking your children up is never as quick as we would like it to be. I have been observing pick-up time. There are a few things happening that have caused me concern for your children’s safety. I will address those, and then expect your help to correct these things.

1. For pick-up and drop-off, there is not a center lane between the pavilion and west building before the crosswalk. Drop off and pick up your children after the crosswalk and then you may use the center as an exit lane but not before the crosswalk. To help with this, students will not be allowed to go down the street to get into their vehicles unless they are going all the way down to Center Street to meet their ride.

2. If you choose to pick up your child on Center Street, you have a few options. There is room for just a few vehicles on the south of Center Street just east of 100 East. Currently, cars are too close to 100 East and drivers cannot see oncoming traffic. Do not park right on the east corner of Center Street and 100 East.

3. There is not a crossing guard on 100 East. Children are instructed to go to the proper side of 100 East before leaving school grounds so they do not need to go into traffic at the intersection of 100 East and Center Street.

4. You may also pick up your children on the north side of Center Street. There is a crossing guard on Center Street near Lindon Elementary where your child will be able to cross safely and then proceed to your vehicle.

5. To help with the flow of traffic, please turn right when entering Center Street from our property.

Spirit Day – There has been some confusion about the expectations for spirit day this year. After learning that the PTO sold remaining Spirit shirts at the end of last year, we have made the decision to allow past versions of spirit day shirts to be worn for this year only. This is not a free dress day and students must be in the approved uniform other than spirit shirts.

Starting with the 2024-25 school year, the new spirit shirt for that year must be worn in order to participate in Spirit Day. The sale of spirit shirts is a fundraiser for the PTO. This is why a new design is sold each year.

I want to take the last part of this letter to let you know how much your support means to me as the principal and to the whole school. I am grateful every day that I get to work here. My desire is to help everyone involved in our school to have a great experience. I want students to learn academics as well as good character. When the time comes and they leave our school, I hope they have great memories and lifelong learning experiences which can help them as they progress throughout their lives.


Mr. Porter

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